— Mandatory Annual Dues —

How to Pay your Dues:

Residents have several options for paying their annual and past unpaid dues:

  1. Through Venmo using this link or the QR Code on this page. Please make sure to include your name and address in the notes.

  2. By Direct Deposit from your bank account (ACH). This is the preferred payment method as it integrates seamlessly with QuickBooks that is used to manage the SMPOA financials. If you choose this method and require an electronic invoice, please contact the Treasurer at SMPOABOARD@gmail.com and put “Treasurer” in the Subject line.

  3. By check, payable to Sunset Mesa Property Owners Association, mailed to: SMPOA Treasurer at 3615 Seahorn Dr. - Malibu, CA 90265. Check can also be dropped off at the same address.


Amount Due on January 2023:

Homeowner Dues to be collected on January 2023 is $125. A huge thank you to SMPOA residents who have already paid their dues! Your on-time payment will help defray costs associated with running the SMPOA — see below for a breakdown of our financial obligations.

If you have not received an invoice for 2022 and/or if you have a past due balance that you believe to be incorrect, please send an email to SMPOABOARD@gmail.com with “Treasurer” in the Subject line. In the case of a discrepancy in your past due balance, the Treasurer will be happy to review/correct via phone or email the information with you.



As a State of California recognized Home Owner’s Association (HOA), we have monthly & yearly financial obligations funded by our membership dues, bank savings and advertisers. Our fiscal year runs from July 1st through June 30th of the following year.

Dues are necessary to run the functions mandated by our SMPOA By-Laws and go towards the following:

  • Payments of the HOA Federal & Franchise Tax Board taxes, as we are not a non-profit entity.

  • Liability Insurance for volunteer Board Members.

  • Legal fees, as the need arises, to retain counsel - e.g., dealing with threats of fire, trash dumping and vagrant intrusion from vehicles parked alongside PCH at the base of Sunset Mesa.

  • Accounting fees for the SMPOA tax returns preparation & filing.

  • Costs associated with notifying realtors & escrow agents of the HOA documentation fee upon the sale of a property.

  • Yearly HOA Annual Meeting, as mandated by law, for SMPOA members.

  • Local neighborhood events for block parties & community gatherings.

  • Sunset Mesa-ge editing, printing and distribution.

  • SMPOA website building & hosting fees.

  • Storage facility fees for archives of HOA documents, as required by law.

  • Other expenses - e.g., office supplies, postage stamps, reflective house address numbers, doggy bag stations, ancillary help as needed.