Sunset Mesa
Sunset Mesa is a neighborhood of approximately 500 homes nestled on a bluff overlooking Pacific Coast Highway between Pacific Palisades and Topanga Canyon.
It is part of unincorporated Los Angeles County. The homes originated in the early 1960s when two development companies created 14 streets of homes. Mesa, translated as “table” in Spanish, describes this plateau carved into the cliff that offers beautiful ocean views. Topanga historians define this area as "Parker Mesa," which was given an archaeological site number LAN-215 in 1950. Exploration from the 1920s to 1950s uncovered shell fragments, bowls, knives, remains of a partial house, and cooking utensils. Those artifacts gave archaeologists an estimation of this area being inhabited as late as 1,000 BC.
The initial 3 tracts were called Sunset Mesa. The remaining tracts were called Pacific Riviera. After all nine tracts were completed, the Sunset Mesa name won out as it is known by today. The original builders developed the neighborhood with uninterrupted ocean views as their priority. Utility lines were placed underground, and low trimmed trees were planted. The first order of business was to establish Architectural Committees for the tracts to protect the planned ocean views. The Architectural Committees were later merged into one to provide consistency with conditions, covenants and restrictions (CC&R’s). The Sunset Mesa Property Association (SMPOA) was established immediately after the first intial tracts were finished, incorporated as a non-profit association and given the authority to enforce the bylaws that govern the neighborhood.
Our world-famous neighbor, The Getty Villa Museum, provides a yearly free pass to the SMPOA members and guests. This benefit results from living next door to a unique property housing some of the most valuable collection of Greek, Roman and Etruscan antiquities in existence.
With no through streets and no retail destinations, Sunset Mesa is known as extremely quiet and peaceful, and a real sense of community exists. The proximity to the beach at the bottom of the hill provides a chance for easy recreation and enjoyment.