Here are the amendments passed in the June 2022 election.
2022 Amendments
Sunset Mesa Local Area DISCLOSURE
Sunset Mesa Local Area Disclosure (SMLAD) is intended to provide information which may impact Buyer's decision to purchase a property in Sunset Mesa.
Amended 2012
The original of these By-Laws were submitted to the members of the SMPOA (the “Association”) for its approval at the Annual Meeting held in April, 1967. The Amendments to these By-Laws were submitted to the members of the Association for approval at the Annual Meetings held in May 1977, June 1982, and June 1984.
These By-Laws were further amended at the Annual Meetings held in June 2011 and June 2012.
Re-voted & Re-approved
in track 26458 2012
The Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) were originally imposed on each series of houses built in a particular “tract” by one of the two original developers of the Sunset Mesa community. As the particular developer completed construction in one particular tract, then a separate (but largely similar) set of CC&Rs was filed. Thus, by the late 1960s there were nine separate set of CC&Rs for nine separate tracts.
In 2004, eight tracts in the Mesa voted in 2004 to adopt amendments to the CC&Rs including additional protections for ocean views of residents. In 2012, homeowners in the 26458 Tract approved a set of similar amendments for that tract.
Depending upon which tract you live in, you will need to review either:
The CC&Rs as amended for Tracts 26459, 26460, 26462, 27152, 27604, 28067 and 28072 in 2004; or
The CC&Rs as amended for Tract 26458 in 2012.
Amended 2004
This Amendment and Restatement of Declarations of Establishment of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (the 'Declaration") is made this ___ day of ___ 2004, to the Declarations of Establishment of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the tracts listed in exhIbit A hereto (referred to Individually as "Tract"and collectively as the "Tracts") In the County of Los Angeles, State of California…
The name of this corporation shall be SUNSET MESA PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC.